Thursday, August 21, 2014

Fire in NFF glass house [print]

The offices of the Chief Accountant, the General Secretary and the ICT unit in the office complex of the Nigerian Football Federation in Wuse Zone 7, Abuja was on Wednesday gutted by fire.

Fasdfadfd: The leadership of NFF should be arrested and made to pay for whatever damage that will be recorded from the fire incident, people must stop playing with Nigerians collective wealth. This is a way to cover their illegal deals that plunged the football body into this lingering crisis. Maigari sacked and recalled, the next thing is NFF house on fire, who is fooling who in Nigeria?
Senator OJD: This is not an act of God. Why on earth should it be that out it was the ‘Chief Accountant’s’ office that was gutted by fire. Why not the security post or the place where they keep medals or canteen where fire naturally would be?

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